5-Day Dating Reset:
Learn to Date Like a Bad@$$!

Are you a single woman who's ready to find a GREAT partner, but fed up with the singles scene?
Then this FREE event is for YOU!

In this 5-day live event, Yael will:


πŸ’œ Reveal the number one tool for avoiding narcissists, users, addicts, liars, and cheats.
πŸ’œ Hand you the roadmap to dating from your boldest Self.
πŸ’œ Share THREE things you MUST learn by the second date.
πŸ’œ Give you a three-point strategy for finding a great partner.


We go live daily at 4:00pm

Every day from Monday, July 24

to Friday, July 28







I'm Dr. Yael Dubin.


Are you a successful professional woman who struggles with relationships?


I've been in your shoes.


I'm a former psychiatrist. I taught psychology and religious studies at the college level. I have two doctorates.


I'm happily married to a truly terrific human being.


But it wasn't always like this.


I was adopted into a highly dysfunctional family. I was a bitter divorcee committed to never getting married again.


Every now and then I’d find myself in a relationship. It always ended up the same. I felt drained and inadequate.


I read the books. I did the things. But nothing changed. So I gave up on dating altogether.


Then Schitt happened.


Schitt’s Creek, that is. Simply the best TV series that showed me what love could be.


Suddenly, I knew what it was that had always been missing. I had a clear vision of what I TRULY wanted. I began to believe that my vision was possible for myself.


Everything came together when I finally hired a dating coach.


I met Matt, who is a true partner.


Matt is Team Yael all the way! He has my back, and I have his.


Healthy, lasting love is possible for YOU, too, and I can show you a path forward!

What People Are Saying...

Meet My Client, D.


β€œI was an emotional basket case trying to find people to make all my parts feel better instead of learning how to be my own true love and show ALL of me the love it deserved from me. Just being able to stop myself…and then go from a place of being in Self is HUGE for me.”

Meet My Client, C.



"Yael is a wealth of knowledge, wisdom, and insight when it comes to mindfulness-based coaching. I am only 1/3 of the way through the program and already feel more confident about what I bring to relationships and what I am looking for. I am grateful to have found Yael!"


Meet My Client, L.



"This program laid out things in an organized manner, so that I could build on one thing after another and know that each module was leading me to a place of confidence and self-knowledge, even when I was afraid to 'go there.'


Yael is gentle and sincere, as well as firmly reassuring that, yes, Your Person is out there, and just like a job hunt, you need to follow the right steps and apply for the right ones."



Presented by

Yael H. Dubin, MD, PhD, PCC

July 24, 2023
4:00pm Pacific Time

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